Tuesday, May 19, 2009

So I think we have a problem...

Jordan is seriously addicted to sour and salty things. Every time we go out to eat we have to hide the salt from the table or else...

Thursday, May 14, 2009

yay... another great day!

In Teacher Kathys words " Jordan had a FAB FAB FABULOUS DAY!"

So glad to hear Jordan is adjusting and having good days :) Less crying makes me happy!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

A good day at preschool

Today was a better day! Teacher Kathy said that Jordan had a better day had some tough moments but some goods one too. How funny if you notice Jordan still had his backpack on he was ready to leave when it was time.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Not Deaf Enough: Raising a Child Who Is Hard of Hearing, by Patricia Ann Morgan Candlish.

I have heard about this book on some HOH websites and also on some blogs. I have to pick this book up. A couple of people have said it's really hard to read when your child is HOH. It basically talks about the struggles of kids whose hearing loss is not profound, but still considerable.

Found this news article that makes me cringe


By Alex Dobuzinskis Staff Writer
BURBANK -- Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger vetoed a bill championed by a Burbank woman that would have required health insurance companies to help pay for children's hearing aids.
SB 1158 was introduced by Sen. Jack Scott, D-Pasadena, at the urging of Susan Grafman, 39. Her medical insurance did not cover the cost of hearing aids for her two sons and she had to pay $7,600 for the devices.
"While I want children with hearing impairments to have hearing aids, I am concerned that increasing the cost of health coverage by mandating benefits, if even by a small amount, would have the far more serious consequence of leaving some children without (any) health insurance whatsoever," Schwarzenegger wrote to members of the Senate in vetoing the bill Wednesday.
Grafman said she was surprised by the veto. The state's Medi-Cal and Healthy Families programs cover hearing aids and the rich can pay for them, but the "middle class is left out of the loop struggling to pay for hearing aids for their children," she said.
Grafman expects to work to support another version of the bill if it is introduced.

Jordan loves MY GYM

Here are some picture of Jordan having a blast at MY GYM! Miss Jenny's so nice.

On a train ride w/ Thomas

Jordan and his friend Aiden

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Jordan has been making weekly visits to a HOH class 1 hour 1x a week. Just starting last week they increased his time to 2x's a week 2 1/2 hours. His first week was kind of difficult with seperation. Tuesday is a new week so wish us luck!